I grew up beside the river in London, Ontario and lived among a family of artists, actors and story tellers. Not surprising then that I might choose a visual medium to explore my connection and continuing fascination with the natural world. I studied Fine Art at U of T and Photography at Ryerson, and worked as a commercial photographer in Toronto before moving to Collingwood almost a decade ago. Once settled in Collingwood, I fell in with a group of artists and thus began the creative chapter of my life as a photographer.
Sur moi
J'ai grandi au bord de la rivière à London, en Ontario, et j'ai vécu au sein d'une famille d'artistes, d'acteurs et de conteurs. Il n’est donc pas surprenant que je choisisse un support visuel pour explorer mon lien et ma fascination continue pour le monde naturel. J'ai étudié les beaux-arts à l'Université de Toronto et la photographie à Ryerson, et j'ai travaillé comme photographe commercial à Toronto avant de déménager à Collingwood il y a plus de dix ans. Une fois installé à Collingwood, je suis tombé sur un groupe d'artistes et j'ai ainsi commencé le chapitre créatif de ma vie de photographe.
What I do
I tend to resist traditional means of presenting my images. Photographs sandwiched under mat board and isolated under glass seems precious and a little boring. I really enjoy exploring non-traditional media like gel transfer to plexiglass, printing onto silk, metal and wood.
Ce que je fais
J'ai tendance à résister aux moyens traditionnels de présentation de mes images. Les photographies prises en sandwich sous passe-partout et isolées sous verre semblent précieuses et un peu ennuyeuses. J'aime vraiment explorer des supports non traditionnels comme le transfert de gel sur plexiglas, l'impression sur soie, métal et bois.
What I’m learning
“My camera is a tool for discovery. The process of positioning myself and the camera puts me into a relationship with my subject. The photo is more like a memento of the experience of getting the shot. This is especially true of animals where the context is key to an image’s meaning. The challenge in producing a finished piece is to convey as much of the context as I can in the process.
As I explore alternatives to paper under glass, I’m leaning about wood and woodworking, about lasers and CNC shaping.
For the past two years I have focussed on two projects - farm life with a focus on cattle, and trees through seasons and life cycles. Triple Square Meadow is a project of many years, documenting an ancient symbol planted in trees and grasses. Past projects have included mining, haymaking and Canadian war sites of world wars one and two.
Links to Facebook Project Pages: